Saturday, May 7, 2011

Master Yi: Game 5

Two victories in a row with Yi! My number of deaths still unsettles me though. The good news is, they are not coming from my early game anymore. The bad news is, they are coming from ganks and lack of map awareness on my part. Since I have been playing a carry, I have been warding very little, but I think I need to return to that. The lack of map awareness I have now is definitely hampering my playing and very definitely increasing my deaths. So the next step is gaining that back.

Fortunately this game, both Poppy and Mordekaiser fed pretty well and we were able to walk away with a fairly easy win. Irelia and I laned to agressively at the top, so I think I am going to work on just last hitting minions with Yi. It's easy to get into the habit of autoattacking, but last hitting just pays off more. Though it is a little tougher if your lane partner is autoattacking. Maybe Yi could be played in the middle...

C&Cs welcome!

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